Saturday, March 29, 2008

John the Airplane Boy

John did a science project on . . . airplanes. Paper airplanes, to be exact.

He made several designs and then tested how long each one flew, on average. Each plane got six throws, and we dropped the shortest time, averaging the best five times.

Check out the pictures to see the clever designs. How long did they fly? 15 seconds? 20 seconds? Longer? Nope, the longest recorded flight was 9 seconds. But, it was good fun.

The Falcon

John's own design

Saturday, March 15, 2008

We're Finally Bloggers

Well, our oldest daughter, Audrey, is in town for the weekend and told us that it's 2008 and we need to get it together. She meant we needed to join the blogging world. we are! Audrey had to walk us through every step of the way, but I think we've got it down.

In this first post I'll just give a brief update on the family:

Audrey and her husband, Toren, are living in Utah while Toren finishes up at BYU. Next month he'll graduate and the two of them will move to Columbus, Ohio. They're excited for a new adventure.

David is coming around the last bend in his mission. He's in Albuquerque, New Mexico and loving it! He's spent quite a while serving on a Navajo Indian reservation. It's been different experience and he's loved every minute of it. He comes home the end of August, and then he'll head back to BYU-Idaho.

Laura is graduating early from High School. She'll be done this June. She has a busy summer planned (EFY, Girls Camp, two vacations....), but she'll be off to BYU-Idaho with David in the fall. She's very excited to be done with High School and she's looking forward to learning how to live on her own.

John is in 7th grade and avidly working towards finishing his Eagle before he's 14. He's ready for school to be out and summer to be here. He plays the bassoon in band and his teacher is in the process of organizing a trip to Disneyland for the class. Not only will they be able to run amok through the happiest place on earth, but they'll also get to perform as a band there. It's not until next year, but John is ecstatic.

Ron and I just finished a huge remodel on our kitchen. It looks fabulous! I'll attach a few pictures in my next post. Sometimes we all just hang out in the kitchen because it's so big and luxurious. Other than that we've been busy with the usual things (Ron with work and High Council and me with seminary and all the running around/mom stuff), and we're also ready for the rain to stop and summer to get here.